Two months ago, the world saw the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Tanks have rolled into cities; bombs have fallen, and millions of innocent people have had their lives torn apart or lost in an illegal and immoral conflict with no end in sight. We have witnessed the terror from across the ocean, feeling helpless as Ukrainians fled their homes looking for safety. As the war continues unabated, Canadians are coming together to do what they can help to Ukraine and their fight for safety, security and sovereignty from hostile forces.
Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal was established by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) and the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) to help. The organizations are working with both the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian organizations to provide aid from Canada wherever it’s needed most. The Appeal is helping to provides funds to distribute food packages, medicine, and shelter to trusted local partners on the ground. The need grows every day the conflict rages on.
Since it began, Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has delivered almost $10 million in aid to Ukraine and to countries where displaced Ukrainians are taking refuge. The original fundraising goal was $25 million and as of mid-April sits at $30 million and counting. Canadians have opened their hearts and wallets and have provided over 55,000 donations so far. “With almost $10M in aid delivered and committed, we know that the scale of Russia’s violent war on Ukraine will mean the need to support Ukraine for many months and years,” said Orest Sklierenko, president of the Canada Ukraine Foundation. “The Ukrainian Canadian community will be there to provide support and deliver much-needed aid to help with the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War 2.”
Money in action
Large corporations, communities and individual donors are seeing their donations hard at work now. The Canada-Ukraine Foundation put dollars to work helping evacuate 2,500 deaf Ukrainians to safety in Western Ukraine. They have provided transportation, shelter, food and sign language interpreters for the fleeing citizens. The Appeal also assisted in airlifting five pediatric cancer patients to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. The effort cost just under $500,000 for specialized equipment and personnel needed to bring these vulnerable children and their families to safety in Canada. Toronto charity Meagan’s Hug funded their accommodations, SickKids is covering the medical costs, and the Canadian Ukraine Foundation provided the transport of the children, their families and medical personnel from Europe to Canada. These are just two examples of the work being coordinated in Canada to make a difference a world away.
“Canadians from coast to coast to coast are mobilizing in support of relief efforts for Ukraine. The kindness we have seen in the last weeks is both inspiring and overwhelming,” said Orest Sklierenko, president and CEO of CUF. “Canada is truly united in support of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.”
Do something
Helping the Appeal is simple. A corporate donation can be sent directly to the national office: Canada-Ukraine Foundation, 620 Spadina Avenue, Ste 200, Toronto, ON, M5S 2H4. Donations of securities or mutual funds are also gratefully accepted. “Helping Ukraine from Canada is easy,” says Liz Lukashenko, an Appeal volunteer based in Manitoba. “Donation provide the funding our programs and committees need to provide the critical aid needed in Ukraine. You can reach out directly to us to learn how you and your organization can make a difference.”
For further information, email or visit
“In the generosity, compassion, and charity of Canadians across the country – we see the best of humanity,” said Alexandra Chyczij, national president of the UCC. “We are truly grateful to everyone for the immense support the Ukrainian people are receiving from Canadians during this difficult time. Thank you! Merci! ДЯКУЮ!”