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Mark Guillet named SaskEnergy president and CEO

Mark Guillet, SaskEnergy

SaskEnergy announced May 15 that Mark Guillet has been formally named president and chief executive officer for the Crown Corporation. Guillet had been acting in the role since February 2022.

Guillet joined SaskEnergy in 1990 and became was appointed general counsel and corporate secretary in 1995. In 2020, he became executive vice president of stakeholder engagement, chief legal officer and corporate secretary. He has also served as chief privacy officer.

“On behalf of SaskEnergy’s Board of Directors I would like to congratulate Mark Guillet on his formal appointment as President and CEO. After an extensive search, it was clear to the Board that he is the best person to lead SaskEnergy,” says Susan Barber, chair of the SaskEnergy board of directors. “Mark is a passionate and steady leader, consistently demonstrating that he has the Corporation’s best interests at heart. He has done an exceptional job at positioning SaskEnergy for a successful and sustainable future.”

Born and raised in Saskatchewan, Guillet has a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Saskatchewan, a certified In-House Counsel Canada (CIC.C) designation as well as an Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD.D) designation.

“It is an honour to be named SaskEnergy’s President and CEO. As a leader of a dedicated team of employees located throughout the province, it is my intent that we continue to build on our vision of environmental sustainability and economic prosperity for future generations,” said Guillet.